EMC XtremIO PowerShell support – Finally!


EMC have released XIOS version 4.1.10-33 and XMS version 4.2 recently, and although they look like minor point releases, there are some long awaited improvements that I certainly have been pleased with.

The first one is a PowerShell support. Readers of this blog will now I’m a big PowerShell guy. I use it for automation, workflows, provisioning…..and loads more.

Download HERE and install in just a few clicks and next, next, next..

I suggest you also install the root certificate from your array(s) also, to avoid any verification warnings or issues. Load the XMS splash screen and click on  and install the certificate into the local Trusted Root Certification Authorities cert store.

23-07-2016 4-06-05 PM

Check if the module has installed correctly (the installer finishes kind of abruptly) by running a list available, checking for the XtremLib module;

23-07-2016 4-11-14 PM

So we’re all  good, let do some common tasks; Connect a session to your XMS with the following command; I manage 2 x clusters from a single XMS as detailed HERE.

There’s 122 included functions in this release so let’s take a quick look at some common tasks;

Check Array health; (all that are connected to the XMS in session)

24-07-2016 7-34-12 PM

Get-XtremVolumes will return all the properties for all created volumes on all connected arrays;

23-07-2016 4-34-28 PM

With lots of data this result-set is typically in-elegant, so filtering via index id’s or sys-names can help tidy it up.

Here I’m going to retrieve all the Volumes that are < 2TB, sort them via Cluster and show how much space is in use and then sort them by index number;

23-07-2016 4-51-18 PM

So now we’re seeing things a little more interesting, but of course we want more.

Let’s see the realtime iops stats and the latency (rw)  for the Volume with index 11. ( i’m using a cluster index number as I have multiple Clusters attached, Latency is measured in microseconds)

24-07-2016 1-52-26 PM

Now let’s create a volume; This will be called ‘XIO-500test‘ and be 500GB. I’ll also give it a tag (must be an existing tag).

24-07-2016 2-25-57 PM

Of course, it’s only good if we can map said volume to a Intitiator Group. You can retrieve the list of exiasting Initiator Groups using Get-XtremInitiatorGroups or create a new group with New-XtremInitiatorGroup.

How about we create 10 volumes and map to an initiator Group and again, assign a tag ? While there doesn’t appear to be a parameter or property for this yet, it’s easy to do with a simple loop;

24-07-2016 6-28-52 PM

Did it work ? Of course.

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Notice anything different about the ui ? *

There’s a heap more in this, and I’m quite happy with it so far.  I’ll write more as I use more of the functionality.


XIO Release Notes

XtremIO API Guide

*…up next  HTML5 goodness.


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