EMC RecoverPoint-Increase CG Journal size using GUI or RPCLI

4-06-2016 9-46-02 PM

Getting a RecoverPoint environment takes some planning to get right. You’ve diligently calculated your Protection Windows and set the Consistency Groups accordingly so that your RPO’s are safe.

Fast forward a few months….. You’ve squeezed more apps in, the rate of change has ramped up. RecoverPoint has told you your “Required Protection Window” value is not being met, and you’ve got problems meeting the requirements/expectations/commitments planned for.

Fortunately, it’s very easy to increase the size of the journals. It’s non-disruptive, doesn’t hose your existing journals or cause a re-synch. You can do it whenever you want.

In the first example, I’ll do it from the Unisphere for RecoverPoint gui. (in all these examples, I’ve pre-allocated the extra LUNs). ****

4-06-2016 9-07-57 PM

4-06-2016 8-56-07 PM

Select the Consistency Group to view the current size of the journal(s).4-06-2016 8-56-57 PM

Expand the CG, and then select the REPLICA copy.Then click on the JOURNAL tab.

4-06-2016 8-58-23 PM

Click on Edit “Journal Volumes”

4-06-2016 8-58-56 PM

Select the provisioned Volumes that have been provisioned and added to the correct Storage Group. Click OK.

4-06-2016 8-59-41 PM

Wait a few minutes and the Journal volumes will display with the new ones added.

That’s it. RecoverPoint will imediately begin striping new bookmarks across the new volumes.

4-06-2016 9-00-36 PM

Now from the CLI.

This is going to use our trusty friend plink to execute the add_journal_volume command against our Consistency Group. You could loop this of course if you were doing many updates.

Before you start, you’ll need to know your Consistency Group Name, the Copy name and the UID of the new Journal LUN.

I’m going to be adding:


Journal uid: 60,06,01,60,10,20,3a,00,3c,96,d2,07,40,2a,e6,11,e6,11


**** Best Practices for increasing Journal space ****

Keep the following guidelines in mind when a) designing your RP solution and b) when expanding elements of the platform.

If your journals were initially created in a pair(s) to optimize performance (by striping) additions should also be made in pairs of the same size (or close to)  to maintain the current performance.

If you started with a pair and then add a single volume, RP will concatenate the space. If you add pairs of the same (or very similar size) the existing journals will be concatenated with the new ones, but will also be striped, for better performance.

RecoverPoint will slurp up all the space in the volumes you add, so don’t add any volumes that you don’t want consumed 100%.


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